Download Ebook Young Men and Masculinities Global Cultures and Intimate Lives (Global Masculinities)
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In this book Victor J Seidler, one of the leading contributors to the growing debate about masculinities, turns his attention to the lives of young men and their understandings of themselves as gendered beings. By contextualizing their experiences and subjectivities within a rapidly globalizing world, Seidler pays particular attention to the impact of the global media. How does the mass circulation of images of men's bodies, desires and sexualities affect their self-perception and behaviours, and how are these images framed within particular histories, cultures and traditionsQuestioning universalist theories of 'hegemonic masculinities', the book argues that young men often feel caught between prevailing masculinities and their own struggle for self-definition. It explores both how the idea of men as 'the First Sex' has been established within the West and the ways in which men in other cultures and societies affirm their gendered identities. Seidler pioneers new methodologies that involve listening to the silences surrounding male experience as well as to oral testimonies. This enables innovative analysis of the contradictions young men are faced with in both creating their own gendered identities and establishing more equal relationships within a world of intense inequalities. BMJ Open - What do young people think about their school ... What do young people think about their school-based sex and relationship education? A qualitative synthesis of young people's views and experiences Why Do Some Men Use Violence Against Women and How Can We ... WHY DO SOME MEN USE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND HOW CAN WE PREVENT IT? partners for prevention. A UNDP UNFPA UN Women and UNV regional joint programme for gender ... The end of sexual violence + domestic abuse? 30+ groups ... Why is it that when we talk about sexual violence and domestic abuse we talk about the women involved and erase the men? In todays talk... Books - NYU Press NYU Press Publisher of academic books and electronic media publishing for general interest and in a wide variety of fields. Videos The Huffington Post The Zainab Salbi Project fearlessly sheds light on global issues exploring uncomfortable questions shattering stereotypes and courageously revealing our shared ... Macmillan - Distinguished & Award Winning Global Publisher ... Shelter. By Jung Yun. Kyung Cho is a young father burdened by a house he cant afford. For years he and his wife... Gender role - Wikipedia A gender role is a set of societal norms dictating the types of behaviors which are generally considered acceptable appropriate or desirable for people based on ... Community mobilization outreach and mass media Make use of existing theories to understand how individuals change Effective programmes are based on scientific theories of how problem behaviour develops and how it ... Understanding gender - GSDRC Page contents: Introduction; What is gender and why does it matter? Gender relations and status in the household ; Intersection of gender and other forms of ... Men's rights movement - Wikipedia The modern men's rights movement emerged from the men's liberation movement which appeared in the first half of the 1970s when some scholars began to study feminist ...
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