[Free Ebook.tPbj] Algorithmic Life Calculative Devices in the Age of Big Data
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This book critically explores forms and techniques of calculation that emerge with digital computation, and their implications. The contributors demonstrate that digital calculative devices matter beyond their specific functions as they progressively shape, transform and govern all areas of our life. In particular, it addresses such questions as: How does the drive to make sense of, and productively use, large amounts of diverse data, inform the development of new calculative devices, logics and techniques How do these devices, logics and techniques affect our capacity to decide and to act How do mundane elements of our physical and virtual existence become data to be analysed and rearranged in complex ensembles of people and things In what ways are conventional notions of public and private, individual and population, certainty and probability, rule and exception transformed and what are the consequences How does the search for ‘hidden’ connections and patterns change our understanding of social relations and associative life Do contemporary modes of calculation produce new thresholds of calculability and computability, allowing for the improbable or the merely possible to be embraced and acted upon As contemporary approaches to governing uncertain futures seek to anticipate future events, how are calculation and decision engaged anew Drawing together different strands of cutting-edge research that is both theoretically sophisticated and empirically rich, this book makes an important contribution to several areas of scholarship, including the emerging social science field of software studies, and will be a vital resource for students and scholars alike. web.mit.edu / jik/src/Attic/kerberos_ password - . .mn 0 01 05_1 1 10 100 10th 11 11_d0003 12 13 14 141a 143b 15 16 17 17igp 18 19 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 ... The 100 Greatest Mathematicians - fabpedigree.com The Greatest Mathematicians of the Past ranked in approximate order of "greatness." To qualify the mathematician must be born before 1930 and his work must have Complexity - Wikipedia Systems theory has long been concerned with the study of complex systems (in recent times complexity theory and complex systems have also been used as names of the ... MA in Brands Communication & Culture Goldsmiths ... Liz Moor. This module is a core part of the MA Brands Communication and Culture programme but is available to a limited number of students from other MA programmes ...
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